It was a sunny October day with some Fall crispness in the air, when Kanab area business leaders started arriving at the Iron Horse Restaurant patio for the October Kanab Area Chamber meeting. Chamber leadership Ron Thomas and Matt Claflin were on hand to greet everyone and get them signed in.
The Iron Horse served two choices for lunch – pulled pork sandwiches with crispy fries, or a scrumptious strawberry salad.
Left to right, photos by Pat Guerrero:
Luncheon-goers watch Ron manage the always popular Business Highlights drawing.
Pat Guerrero, Christiane Turner, Matt Claflin, and Ron Thomas.
Chamber president Pat Guerrero welcomed everyone, especially the new Chamber members in
attendance: Pastor Douglas Houndshell of Cliffview Chapel Baptist Church, which will hold a grand
opening of its new church next month; and Matthew Barlow with Elevate Cleaning Systems, who
specializes in cleaning of carpet, tile, and upholstery, as well as flood cleanup. The other two new
Chamber members this month were Sandstone Landscaping and Stellar Vista Observatory.
Member renewals this month included: Adria’s Restaurant, Raven’s Heart Gallery, Thunderbird Resort, Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort, as well as three Best Friends properties - Animal Sanctuary, Roadhouse and Mercantile, and Wellness & Fitness Center.
The first guest speaker was Jeff Mather, director of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in St. George. Jeff shared that he and his team will have office hours in Kanab starting next month. In addition to providing free confidential business consultation, the SBDC offers free and low-cost trainings from start-up to succession planning and everything in between. No matter what stage your business is in, the SBDC has the tools to help you succeed. More information can be found at which includes a portal to sign up for their services.
The headlining speaker this month was Christiane Turner, local resident and owner of Quantum NLP. Christiane engaged the audience in her talk about behavioral skills and techniques to help be resilient when faced with challenges and setbacks. She said resilience is a skill to practice – immerse ourselves in a new way of thinking, practice, make mistakes, and gain more competency over time.
Transformation can start with something as simple as taking a deep breath. The NLP in the name of her business stands for neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (“programming”). These can be changed to achieve specific goals in life. Many of the skills and techniques of NLP were derived from observing the patterns of excellence in experts from diverse fields of professional communication, business, and education.
Christiane will be offering a free two-hour seminar on managing negative thoughts, on Thursday, October 26th , 6 p.m. at the Kanab Center.
The lunch event started to wind down with updates from some area businesses and final informal
networking. Businesses in attendance this month included: Best Friends Animal Society, Big Al’s Burgers Junction Drive In, Burro Flats High Desert Lodge, Cliffview Chapel Baptist Church, CraftCon USA, Eagle Gate Title, East Zion Adventure, Elevate Cleaning, Fourth Watch Ranch, Garkane, Hampton Inn, Kanab City, Kanab Create, Kane County, Lotus, Lotus Studio, Mountain America Credit Union, My Zion Vacation, Quantum NLP, Realty One Group, Ron’s Fresh Baked, Sight to Soul Photography, Small Business Development Center, and West Winds Ranch.
Thanks to all who attended, spoke, and to the Iron Horse Restaurant for their fabulous food and service!
Upcoming events - save the dates:
Chamber Luncheon at Southwest Tech - Kane Campus, Thursday, November 9 at 11:30AM
Chamber Breakfast at Parry Lodge, Tuesday, November 21 at 8AM (NEW TIME)