Taro Coffee Ribbon Cutting on Small Business Saturday

Located in the parking lot of the State Farm Insurance office in downtown Kanab, Taro Coffee Bar's distinctive wood-sided mobile shop serves more than just coffee, with a menu that includes hand-mixed energy drinks, hot and iced teas, and a variety of unique Italian sodas.
A member of the Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce, Taro Coffee Bar celebrated with a ribbon cutting on Small Business Saturday, November 26th, at 10 AM. About 35 people turned out to welcome first-time business owners Tonya and Adam Ortiz.
Commissioner-elect Celeste Meyeres thanked Tonya and Adam for opening their new venture in Kanab, and Chamber Vice-President Ron Thomas noted that ribbon cuttings are one of his favorite things, adding “I’m super-excited about this new member, Taro Coffee. Tonya and Adam are great small business owners, and we are thrilled to honor them this morning on Small Business Saturday!”
Taro owner Tonya Ortiz told the group, “We’re so happy to be part of this community! Thank you so much for coming out, it’s an honor!”
You can find Taro Coffee in the chamber's business directory here, on Facebook at faceboook.com/tarocoffeebar/, and on Instagram at @taro.coffeebar.
While You're in Town + Kanab Chamber + Office of Tourism Grant
The Kane County Office of Tourism & Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce have joined forces with While You’re In Town to provide a very generous grant for local businesses.
For a limited time, any business member of the Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce located in Kane County that would like to be featured on While You’re In Town can apply for a $400 grant to help pay for WYIT video production costs.
Kanab Area Chamber members can claim their grant money by creating a free Business Listing on WhileYoureInTown.com. They’ll reach out to explain the details when you submit your listing.
Not a chamber member? Join the Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce for $100/year (only $0.27/day) here.