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Susan Honey’s Positive Principles at Southwest Tech

Seasonable temperatures and a bright blue sky welcomed guests to the September 9th chamber luncheon at Southwest Technical College on Cowboy Way in Kanab. Chamber board members Pat Guerrero, Ron Thomas, and Matt Claflin had everything setup and ready to go, and after 30 minutes of meeting and greeting the guests loaded up their plates with rice, orange chicken, teriyaki beef, fresh salad, and cookies provided by chamber member Honey’s Marketplace.

Shoutout to Honey's Marketplace for a delicious lunch!

Chamber Secretary Don Jennings welcomed the group, noting that new members since the last meeting included All Ways Adventures and Thunderbird Resort. Best Friends Animal Society renewed their membership last month, as well.

Members and guests at the meeting included Burro Flats High Desert Lodge, City of Kanab, ERA Real Estate, Hallows & Company, Honey’s Fuel & Garden Center, The Independent, Kanab Create DIY Workshop, Kane County, Kane County Office of Tourism, Parry Lodge, and West Winds Ranch. We were happy to welcome individual visitors Susan Jenkins and Todd & Tiffany Palumbo, as well.

Susan Honey started her presentation with a brief introduction before launching into her PowerPoint presentation on positive workplace culture, outlining seven principles for positive outcomes:

  1. The power of using a person’s name

  2. The power of safety first

  3. The power of breathing

  4. The power of a smile

  5. The power of gratitude

  6. The power of kindness

  7. The power to see someone deeply

slide show
Susan Honey covers her third Principle for Positive Outcomes.

Susan covered each principle by sharing slides, videos, book excerpts, and personal anecdotes. Her comments on the power of safety included an amusing – but very important – aside about the dangers of using extension cords, including the charred remains of several that she brought with her as object lessons.

Altogether her presentation was a thoughtful reflection on the importance of authentically caring for the people a business serves and the employees who provide the service. She noted that it’s important to “know and remember your ‘why’s,’” pointing out that “people buy what you do and why you do it,” and adding that her reasons have always been family, employees, and community.

Claudia Balata Thomas of Kanab Creates with first-time luncheon attendees Todd & Tiffany Palumbo.

The presentation was warmly received by the group, who joined Susan in an exercise on “breathing through emotions” and writing a thank you note to someone to whom you’re grateful. In the current challenging business climate, her presentation provided the attendees with a useful and honest reflection on what it means to be a good employer, leader, and member of the community. We’re grateful Susan joined us for this month’s chamber luncheon, and look forward to having her back again in the future.

Pat Guerrero led the room in round-robin introductions to finish up the event, and the luncheon wrapped up just after 1:00 PM.

Shout-out to JR Quarnberg for helping with some tech issues before the meeting – thanks, JR!

The next chamber luncheon will be held at the Iron Horse Restaurant on October 13th from 11:30 – 1:00, where we’ll receive a Planning & Zoning update from Kane County Land Use Administrator Shannon McBride and Donna Huntsman, Chair Pro Tem of the Kanab Planning Commission. Save the date!


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78 S 100 E, PO Box 534, Kanab, UT 84741

A 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization. EIN: 90-0953316

© Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce.

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