Please join us for this month’s Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce networking lunch meeting.
Thursday, May 12th.

Kanab Tour Company, 681 Chinle Dr, Kanab, UT 84741
11:30 – 12:00 networking, then lunch and speakers from 12:00 – 1:00
Lunch by Sunny Creek Cafe
$5 for Chamber members, $10 for non-members
Kanab Tour Company owners Cory & Tiffany Unsworth will be our hosts. As a member of the Grand Staircase Regional Guide Association, Cory will talk with us about how Kanab Tour Company collaborates with other tour companies, businesses, and the BLM. The Guide Association is a good example of businesses within an industry working together.
Tiffany will give us a tour of their lovely facility
We look forward to seeing you there! And for those that like to plan ahead, mark your calendars for our June 9th meeting at Southwest Tech.
Kanab Chamber Team
Pat Guerrero, President
Ron Thomas, Vice President
Matt Claflin, Treasurer
Don Jennings, Secretary